Cura Curious?

News – Tech Components


The brakes are one of the most personal and intimate parts of the bike. This is why Formula have been created them with simplicity and efficiency in order to fit all riders needs.   Cura is an extremely powerful, wide range brake that feels comfortable from weekend warriors and Enduro riders to World Cup Downhill racers.  The lever is the most ergonomic and intuitive: the lightest touch starts the lever traveling. Power is instant and exponential, but delivery is the most refined of any brake. This is the Cura Formula’s first brake to use mineral oil complementing its performance.


This technology allows for the connection and disconnection multiple times without losing fluid or introducing air into the brakes. The Speed Lock hose is the best option for everyone that is constantly assembly/disassembling their bike.

“The Cura has put Formula back in the braking game with a system that rivals or betters most of its competition. They have a great feel and as much power as any rider could need. And, for those who believe they need more, a four-piston version is available now – that could be something very special indeed”   Paul Aston

Cura brakes manual link

Formula Cura brakes review