
Recipe for a badass all terrain e-bike

Italian creativity is popular all over the world for its high quality content, painstaking attention to details. We’ve been able to create a unique e-bike with an accurate innovative design, expressing the Italian style at its highest. Definitely something extraordinary to look at! And our e-bikes are not just works of art offering great performances, but they are also good for the environment and a lot of fun to ride!  In fact Moto Parilla can be used every day: commuting to work, climbing up thigh trails, running errands, travelling for pleasure. This is the e-bike that can do it all!

Why an e-bike is so great…

Most of us have ridden bikes enough that we have reached that magical point where keeping the bike upright, balanced and moving does not require a lot of concentration as long as we are on a safe flat bike path. However, as our environment changes (steep hills, other riders, traffic, stop signs, shifting) we no longer feel competent. This is the point where an e-bike comes in.  An e-bike takes away the need to worry about several things -like your pedal cadence, which gear you’re in, and how to pedal up or down that hill. Let’s face it. Maybe you’re a runner or tennis player who is coming to cycling later in life. You may not have the time or desire to become an expert rider, but that doesn’t mean you should sacrifice the joy of riding an e-bike that you like. Or that you should have to forego a cycling vacation with the wind in your hair, the fresh air, exercise and the perspective you gain from the seat of an e-bike – the perspective that you can’t ever get from sitting in a car or bus. You get back to the fun. The point where riding a bike had nothing to do with traffic, or hills, or shifting. It is just plain…fun.

Here are the four things a Moto Parilla e-bike will do, which coincidentally, are the four “fears” we hear the most about riding an e-bike.

  • Hills.   Do I stand up? Can I stand up? What gear should I be in? Can I pedal slowly without tipping over? The biggest challenge with hills is not having the technique – it’s not always comfortable standing up, or maybe you haven’t quite got the fitness. An e-bike picks up where you left off.
  • Shifting.  Unlike your car, bikes aren’t automatic. They don’t know when to go to a harder gear with fewer RPMs, or an easier gear with more RPMs. Those are challenging decisions for someone who may not be comfortable spinning with a high cadence or powering through with a low cadence. An e-bike makes those decisions for you – the motor kicks in when you get into a situation where you need a bit of an assist.
  • Keeping up.  A lot of people’s biggest fear about going on a bike tour is of not being able to keep up, of holding others back, of getting stuck riding alone and being the last person to arrive. An e-bike fixes all of those fears. It gives you the flexibility to decide how hard you’d like to work without missing out on the fun.
  • Safety. With an e-bike, a longer ride will be more stable because your legs won’t get to the point of fatigue. You can self-regulate, manage your fitness, so you’re not in over your head. This allows you to continue on and ride more miles – farther than you might usually – without the worry of over-exerting.

So why not give it a shot …

The 3 things to remember are that riding an e-bike is great for the environment, great for your health and overall it’s just a better way to see the world. But what it counts at the end is that is FUN.

LOVE, Moto Parilla team.

Australia’s west coast P. Dopera – December 13, 2018 reviews from Perth

“I really love my Moto Parilla Carbon bike, it’s great to take out for a ride around the river, amazing how many comments I get and people wanting to have a look. Super smooth ride, I have the 250 watt version which is great, can ride anywhere ,not having to worry about the law and can still do 5 km/h or 32 mph., which is a good speed.”


North Carolina, Charleston  by US E-Bikes

“Today was a blast, Matt and I took these beauties for a cruise around Charleston. 15 miles round trip so just a quick ride, but what a load of fun. The Ravenel Bridge was never this easy.
